Sea Sun - Chardonnay 750ml
Sea Sun California Chardonnay 2022 is a wine that perfectly captures the essence of California's stunning coastal regions. Upon opening a bottle of Sea Sun Chardonnay, you'll be greeted with aromas of fresh lemon zest, complemented by subtle hints of toasted oak and vanilla. On the palate, flavors of juicy peaches and ripe apricots dance with a refreshing minerality that's balanced by a pleasant acidity. The wine has a medium-bodied mouthfeel, with a smooth and lingering finish that's sure to leave you craving more.
This Chardonnay is a perfect blend of grapes sourced from various vineyards, each with unique terroirs, elevations, and soil types. From the northern Sonoma Coast to the southern Central Coast, this wine showcases the diversity and richness of California's wine country.
The 2022 vintage is a perfect representation of the exceptional quality that California's coastal regions can offer. With moderate temperatures throughout the growing season, the grapes enjoyed a long, even ripening period, resulting in a wine that's beautifully balanced and expressive. Whether you're pairing it with grilled seafood, roasted chicken, or simply sipping it on its own, Sea Sun California Chardonnay 2022 is a wine that's sure to impress even the most discerning of palates.
This Chardonnay is a perfect blend of grapes sourced from various vineyards, each with unique terroirs, elevations, and soil types. From the northern Sonoma Coast to the southern Central Coast, this wine showcases the diversity and richness of California's wine country.
The 2022 vintage is a perfect representation of the exceptional quality that California's coastal regions can offer. With moderate temperatures throughout the growing season, the grapes enjoyed a long, even ripening period, resulting in a wine that's beautifully balanced and expressive. Whether you're pairing it with grilled seafood, roasted chicken, or simply sipping it on its own, Sea Sun California Chardonnay 2022 is a wine that's sure to impress even the most discerning of palates.